Enhancing Your Yoga Journey: The Role of Journaling in Your Yoga Practice

Yoga and journaling is a combination that is like cookies and cream. Why? Because yoga is more than just a physical form of exercise; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I love enhancing my personal yoga journey through various methods, one of which is journaling.

A journaling practice can significantly deepen your yoga experience, whether you practice regularly in a studio or at home.

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What is Restorative Yoga?

Discover the calming power of Restorative Yoga, a unique practice that offers a tranquil retreat from the daily hustle. By guiding you gently back to your body and into a soothing 'rest and digest' state, Restorative Yoga promotes deep relaxation, balance, and well-being. Join us as we unravel the transformative journey that this practice provides, and how it can help untangle knots of stress, leading you towards a space of tranquility and restoration.

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The Five Great Elements: Understanding the Pancha Maha Bhutas in Yoga Philosophy

Incorporating the understanding of the Pancha Maha Bhutas into our yoga practice and teachings can help us to deepen our connection to the elements and to the world around us. By exploring and embodying each of these elements, we can gain a greater sense of balance, harmony, and fulfillment in our lives.

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Yoga for Transitioning from Autumn to Winter

Autumn is a time which all of nature prepares for the upcoming Winter, and so do we. In many traditions, this time of the year is considered as the darkest phase of the year. Mother Nature enters her releasing, cleansing, resting, and healing time — in preparation for tilling the soil for the next seeding season.

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Joanne Shih
YTT Student Story - Maja Pilipovic

Being a student of yoga for over a decade, Maja finally onboarded a Yoga Teacher Training when her curiosity in yoga reached a peak during the COVID-19 pandemic time. In this teacher training program, Maja has experienced shifts and personal growth she never experienced from elsewhere. Hear Maja shares her yoga journey and thoughts on the program.

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What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra, also know as “yogic sleep” or “yogic dreaming” as it commonly known. It is a type of meditation technique and one of the most accessible yoga practices that anyone can do. Yoga nidra offers a space to explore what you need in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions.

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Joanne Shih
Cold thermogenesis for mental discipline

There are many practices from around the world, which can be considered yogic practices. Today I want to share one of these practices because it has helped me with everything from meditation to physical recovery and so much more.

This is the practice of cold thermogenesis: a practice in which you consciously expose yourself to the cold for two main reasons: mental discipline and physical benefits.

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September To-Do List: Prioritize ‘Self’

Lunches made, check. Papers filled out, check. Laundry down, check. Helped with homework, check. The list goes on. Our parenting duties together with career responsibilities, relationships with our significant other and family members are continuous, and let’s face it, at times all encompassing. Add on the unpredictability of life – the curve balls. This year is unlike any other faced with a global pandemic. We all share in the trepidation of the unknown.

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